
Ovarian Cysts and Treatment

The ovaries are female reproductive organs connected to the uterus through uterine tubes (tuba). In certain periods of each month, the "ova" are discharged from the ovaries. These ova proceed into the uterus through the tubes. This is called ovulation. The women generally ovulate between the 11th and 16th days that correspond to the middle of their menstrual periods. If these ova sent into uterus meet sperms and are fertilized by them, pregnancy happens. If they do not meet sperms, they are discharged from the body through menstruation bleeding, which we call period, triggered by certain hormones.
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What is Myoma?

The myomas are benign, non-cancerous tumors originating from the myometrium (the uterine muscle layer). The myomas are also called fibroids, leiomyoma, leiomyomata, or fibromyoma. They may vary from 1 cm to 20 cm in size, and this is a disease observed in about 25-50% of all women and every third woman above 35 years of age. Rarely, it can also be observed beginning from 15 years of age. The patient may have only one myoma or numerous myomas large and small in different regions of the uterus. It is difficult to predict whether the myomas are scattered individually or in clumps. They can be very small for a very long time, grow rapidly and suddenly, or slowly for years.
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Smear (Cervical Cancer Screening) Test

Smear is the cervical cancer screening test the women who turned 21 years old and are sexually active must have triennially. It is used to detect cellular anomalies, cancer precursor cells, and infections in the cervix. If any anomaly is observed, it may be necessary to repeat the test at intervals shorter than 3 years. It is performed by taking swab sample from the cervix during vaginal examination painlessly with the help of a brush. While performing the smear test, the patient must not have menstrual bleeding or intense vaginal discharge. 
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HPV Screening Test and HPV Vaccine

HPV is a virus whose relationship with the cervical cancer has been proven. If the HPV test is negative, there is no need to repeat it for five years. It is performed by taking swab sample from the cervix during vaginal examination with the help of a brush. It is a painless process.
The HPV vaccine can be applied to women from 9 to 45 years of age to protect them from the HPV virus that causes the cervical cancer. The vaccine is applied in 3 doses and provides protection against both the cervical cancer and the genital warts. 
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It is applied to women whose cervical smear or HPV test reveals anomalies, or whose vaginal examination gives suspicious findings. The cervix is examined in detail with the help of a microscope, and the small pieces called biopsy, which are taken from the areas deemed suspicious during the process are sent to pathology. This process is not painful. It can be carried out under local anesthesia in the examination room.


The inside of the uterus is viewed by sending a camera system in the form of a thin tube into the uterus through the vaginal area. It can be applied as a treatment in the situations such as correction of congenital uterine anomalies, polyp removal, removal of intrauterine adhesions, removal of an intrauterine device stuck inside the uterus, string of which has broken off, or for diagnostic control purpose prior to recurrent miscarriage or female infertility treatments.

Laparoscopy (Closed Surgery)

With the closed techniques, there is no need for big incisions and long healing period! Shorten your healing period with scar-free, 100% surgical success.
Operations that can be done with laparoscopy: 
• Ovarian Cyst Removal
• Endometrioma Removal
• Myoma Removal
• Hysterectomy
• Uterine Prolapse
• Tubal Ligation Reversal
• Tubal Ligation


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